How can I contact the Chad Embassy
4 years
The Chad Embassy is in Washington, with Ngote Gali Koutou serving as the Ambassador. The Embassy offers many services to the Chad Citizen in the United States, such as the Chad passport renewal, attestation certificates, emergency certificates, etc.
2401 Massachusetts Ave NW. Washington, DC 20008
Tel: 202-652-1312

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What are the primary tasks performed by the Embassy/Consulate of Chad located in Washington, USA?
The Embassy/Consulate assists travelers from the United States to Chad, and citizens traveling from Chad to the United States. It also plays a significant role in an educational exchange program sponsored by the Chad government. To allow for more ease of use and access, the Embassy/Consulate has established multiple Consulates across the country to offer services seamlessly.
What type of passport services are provided by the Chad Embassy/Consulate?
The primary purposes of travel to the United States by Chad nationals are tourism, higher education, employment, and other activities (such as parents visiting children, business events, etc.). In the United States, any foreign resident needs to possess a valid travel document, or the traveler will be deported to their home country. If the travel documents, such as a passport expired or were lost, the Embassy would work to provide new records to the traveler.
Does a Consulate operate out of Washington Consulate/Embassy?
There is no separate consular address in Washington. Both Embassy and Consular service office located in the same address
Can a traveler submit travel documents to the Chad Embassy/Consulate in Washington?
Yes. If the travel requirements of the applicant demand submission documents, they must be submitted by visiting or Submission via mail, In the case of a Chad e visa, a visit is not mandatory to the Embassy, Consulate, or Chad authorised visa agent.
Can a traveler collect travel documents from the Chad Embassy/Consulate in Washington?
Yes, you must visit or Collection via mail, to collect the documents. For Chad electronic visa, you do not require to visit.
What are the hours of operation of the Chad Embassy/Consulate in Washington?
Chad Embassy working hours are 10:00 AM to 12:45 PM, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (Monday to Thursday), and 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Friday).
What days is the Embassy/Consulate open?
The Chad Embassy/Consulate operates Monday through Friday and is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
Are there any jurisdictional restrictions regarding services from the Chad Consulate/Embassy in Washington?
No, people residing in any location are eligible for services like the issue of Chad passport and visa services.