What is the contact number of the Liechtenstein Consulate in Oregon
By support@click2visas.com
4 years
The Liechtenstein Honorary Consulate is in Portland, with Mary Jean Thompson serving as the Honorary Consul. The Honorary Consulate offers many services to the Liechtensteiner citizens in the United States, such as the renewal of passports, attestation certificates, emergency certificates, etc.
2846 NW Fairfax Terrace, Portland, OR 97210
Tel: 503-248-4000
Email: mjthompson@tdaportland.com

What are the primary tasks performed by the Embassy/Consulate of Liechtenstein located in Portland, USA?
The Embassy/Consulate assists travelers from the United States to Liechtenstein, and citizens traveling from Liechtenstein to the United States. It also plays a significant role in an educational exchange program sponsored by the Liechtensteiner government. To allow for more ease of use and access, the Embassy/Consulate has established multiple Consulates across the country to offer services seamlessly.
What type of passport services are provided by the Liechtenstein Embassy/Consulate?
The primary purposes of travel to the United States by Liechtensteiner nationals are tourism, higher education, employment, and other activities (such as parents visiting children, business events, etc.). In the United States, any foreign resident needs to possess a valid travel document, or the traveler will be deported to their home country. If the travel documents, such as a passport, expired or were lost, the Embassy would work to provide new records to the traveler.
How many Liechtenstein Consulates/Embassy is in the United States to serve travelers?
The Liechtenstein Honorary Consulate in Portland (address listed above) along with four Consulates/Embassy spread across the country to aid travelers to and from Liechtenstein.
Embassy of Liechtenstein – Washington Dc
2900 K Street, N.W., # 602-B
Washington, DC 20007
Honorary Consulate of Liechtenstein – Chicago
70 West Madison St., # 3100
Chicago, IL 60602
Honorary Consulate of Liechtenstein – Los Angeles
400, South Rossmore Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Honorary Consulate of Liechtenstein – Macon
1338 Old Forsyth Road
Macon, GA 31210
What is the Visa-Free Score of Liechtenstein Passports?
Liechtenstein passports accumulate points to every visa-free nation that determines enter without obtaining a visa or to get an arrival visa.
To explore more details about Liechtenstein Visa-Free Score, check out: https://www.passportindex.org/passport/liechtenstein/